Saturday, 20 February 2016

old tech fair project

            We have changed this project therefor there is a new blog post with the updated project.


After a lot of hard work and decisions to make Lina and I finally decided that we will make a solar puppy. We decided to do this by buying a kit with all of the parts in it, assemble it together and then make the gear box. (Kit shown in photo below)

The next photo photo shows the small parts in the kit. 

And we also have to wire the solar panel which is shown in the next photo. We connected minus to plus and plus to minus.

This is the PowerPoint that Lina and I made:

Reflection on my powerpoint:
i think that this powerpoint was pretty good, the first slide with just the title was simple and i guess pretty good. The second powerpoint was great, it wasn't missing anything, it had all the basic and important information. The third slide i remember while making it i wasnt that sure and honestly im still not too sure about it but i think it is write. The last one i also thing is fine.

And this is the video that Lina and I made:

reflection of the video:
lina and i split up the jobs, I made the powerpoint and lina made the video, i think it was great, every single bit of it was good. The animations were great.

So far we finished making our short video and our powerpoint and we have bought our kit and we hopefully will make the actual product tomorrow and hopefully finish by Tuesday since it does not need that much time to make. I think we are doing fine, we have been a bit behind but we catched up and now we are on track with the class and we have finished our final project and its pretty good and it is ready for tech fair.

Peer reflection: 
done by Lina 
Overall Ban had done well in her blog she had completed most of the tasks in the past few weeks. Such as the power point, that she had uploaded in her blog some screen shots of the power point, then she added a minimum of two hundred words in her reflection. She had then finished the video which was  a duration of two weeks, and had also done a reflection with also the same amount of word count and the same minimum of two hundred words.